Thursday, September 1, 2011

Diabetes Art Day 2011

This is our second year participating in Diabetes Art Day.
Last year we did this.

This year, we worked with tests strips....lots of test strips.
At the end of the school year, Bryce had us start collect his used test strips in a jelly jar that has overflowed (& it only contains tests from this summer that were done at our house, weren't thrown away, or still laying in various nooks and crannies.) That turned out to be A LOT of test strips.

My submission this year is a photograph of those strips - each one representing a finger poke and a drop of my son's blood....

Just This Summer

Bryce used the strips to write out his JDRF Walk team name...

Bryce's Team: Wipeout Diabetes

Jaden used some strips as a bridge towards reaching a cure...

Bridge to a Cure

Bryce also drew this...

Both Jaden and Bryce worked together and came up with this comic strip where "WD" (Wipeout Diabetes) defeats "Diabetes" and hands out "cures for everyone!"

Now that you have seen our submissions, here are a few pics of the kids making their creations...

Drew really just got his paper all wet...but he was cute doing it!


  1. We have a jar of strips like that, too. They add up fast!

    High five to the boys for their creativity! The bridge to a cure really struck a chord in me. With the diabetes frown and cure smile and overall thought, it's a powerful message.

    Great work, guys!!!

  2. I love this...a family working together through art for a cure!

  3. Very sweet. It's amazing to think how many test strips we go through in such a short amount of time. Also, I love the determined and focused looks on the boys' faces--so sweet! :)

  4. Wonderful work from everyone and an awesome picture!!

  5. All of them are great, but I really like your first art shot. You have a great eye for photography!

  6. Hi,

    I was wondering if you accepted any guest posting on your site. I couldn’t manage to find your email on the site. If you could get a hold of me at, I would greatly appreciate it!

