Monday, November 15, 2010


Wondering what other networks everyone is part of.
Juvenation, D-mom and D-dad connection, Circle of Moms, etc. ???
Notice a lot of people talking about each other's posts on Facebook, do you have a page for your blog/D-stuff, or just your own page?
Just trying to find the best way to be connected. You all are such a great support system. Want to make sure I am not missing out ;-)

you can find me on FB: Denise Dupre Hopkins


  1. I have to say I am not good at any of the "d" connecting sites. I am on FB with several of the other "D" moms. I do keep a separate list of D' Peeps on there... if I post something that I only want "d" peeps to know I click on the "lock" icon and select my "D' Rent" group. I usually spam out my blog to all of my friends on FB...b/c I think it is good for anyone and everyone willing to read it to get a glimpse into a "d" life.

    Are you on FB? I'd love to "friend" you if you are!!!

  2. Yes, I'd love to friend you on FB as well! I post a bit on the CWD forums, but that is it, aside from my blog. There are quite a few D-moms in AZ, so I have them on Facebook and just friended Reyna as well.

  3. Like Reyna... I am not good about all the forums. I do well to keep up with FB and my blogs.

  4. So many places to connect! I can only handle FB and blogs right now. I'll friend you. :)

  5. I'm a facebook gal myself. And a little bit Juvenation. Glad to be more connected now!

  6. I had no idea you could send FB stuff to only certain friends... I'm going to have to figure that one out! :)

    I love the CWD forums. I've learned so much from that site.

  7. I follow blogs, but don't participate as much as I could/should. I don't have any FB friends that are Type 1 moms. But I do check into this site regularly: But I guess I kinda do all this from a distance, so I don't get as much support as I could.

  8. I am trying to get D-Mom and D-Dad Connection off the ground. One of the reasons I started it was because you can't search for content on FB. How often have you thought to yourself that there was a good conversation a couple of weeks ago and someone gave a good tip. But there's really no way to find it again. On D-Mom and D-Dad Connection, you can search. There are also live chat options.

    On Facebook I'm

  9. There are a TON of us on Face Book!
