Tuesday, January 11, 2011

right on grandma!!

Each month, I meet up with a great group of D moms to chat over coffee. We have a couple regulars there every month, a few that come when they can, and almost every month have a new person join us. Today, the new person really impressed me. Wanna know why? Because she was the GRANDMA! Her 5 year old granddaughter was just diagnosed 2 weeks ago. She listened to our stories, asked questions, took notes. I LOVED how interested she was in learning all she could. Boy what I would give for that kind of interest and initiative by my mom (but that is for a whole other blog post!!) At only 2 weeks into this, the parents are overwhelmed (of course) and the mom has yet to give a shot (she will do it plenty!) But with the support of Grandma (and the rest of us) they will be just fine!

Way to go Grandma!!! Gold star in my book!


  1. That sounds like a wonderful granny!

  2. WOOT for Granny! Cool post Denise. So nice to know that so early on this family is supported and loved so much.

  3. That is so awesome to hear. I'm lucky in that my mom is very involved...she actually ordered the user manual and DVD from Animas so she could learn the pump!

  4. What a lucky grandchild she has! My mom's a nurse, and is petrified to take care of my daughter. Go figure!

  5. Awesome... my Mom doensn't live nearby, but when she comes for a visit she jumps in with both feet and has even learned about carb factors!

  6. My mom is another post too! It would be wonderful to have the support from that grandma. I am new to diabetes. My son was just diagnosed with type 1 and celiac since Nov. I enjoy your blog!
