Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I need REST!

I think between posting everyday and trying to read everyone else's posts during D Blog week, I burnt myself out. I realize that I never did the final post on what we have learned from the DOC, nor have I read more than a few blogs since then. I plan to get to that eventually. Currently my brain is fried, I got D'd out. I need a little break to rest my mind. Will be back in a few to let you all know about this diabetes symposium we are attending on Saturday.

Much love to you all!!


  1. I understand. Last week was intense, wonderful, but intense. Enjoy your break and the symposium!

  2. I'm right there with you!

  3. I hear ya. I didn't even really participate, and I'm kind of "d-ed" out.

  4. i hear ya too! Emma just started pumping today so I am lucky if I will remember my own name by the end of the week...lol HUGS to ya!

  5. Totally get it.

    We're finishing the last week of school....between all the the end of school festivities, D Blog Week, and my JOB - not to mention LIFE (hello laundry)....I haven't even been able to read as many as I would have liked.

    It was all I could do to squeak out a post before midnight. Trying to catch up now...but still have a lot of life that needs some attention!

    Get your rest...take a break...and I'll see ya on the flip side :)

  6. Enjoy your rest! Grab some for me, too!! :)
