Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bryce's Walk Video 2010

Here it is...finally!

Our Walk is just a few days away on Sunday October 3rd.
We have over 65 walkers registered so far and have raised about $5000 (hoping this video will double that!)
Here is to someday (soon) our kiddos saying "I HAD diabetes"!!


  1. OK...for some reason, when I saw the supplies the waterworks started over here in VT. What a touching video. Your Bryce is so cute and full of life. I love it. Good luck with your walk and fundraising. It sounds like you have already done a fantastic job.

  2. Love the video! My favorite parts were the picture of "Type1, Lil bro and Big bro" and the bloopers at the end. Great!

    Good Luck! Our walk is Sat.

  3. Bravo for a job well done on the video!

    I really enjoyed the "out-takes" at the end. So cute!

    Good luck with your Walk!
