Tuesday, December 7, 2010

can't ignore Dex

And tonight he wants ALL our attention!!!

We have been battling highs all day despite many corrections. So hearing double beeps as we went to bed (high or double rise) we were not happy. Dex said 374, really 246 (calibrate)
Hour later, triple beep (low or double fall)...ok, so the insulin decides to finally kick in after midnight...nice! Nope, Dex says 82, really 179 (calibrate) Go to sleep. Maybe half hour later quadruple beep (wtf?) Dex now says 36, really 160. We are really frustrated now! Go back to bed....more beeps!!! '???'....of course Dex can't tell what is going on. More beeps... 'sensor error 1'. Fine, so Dex is not going to cooperate tonight...going to bed. More beeps!!! 'sensor error 0' Whatever!! I give up! But Dex doesn't...more beeps! "YES, I KNOW THERE IS A SENSOR ERROR....SHUT UP!!!" Hubby finally takes Dex and puts him in the farthest room. Seriously! Hope I can actually sleep now.

And to think I wanted Dex so that we could sleep more and test less...right!!!


  1. Ah yeah...I hate those nights with Dexter. My boyfriend has kept me up unnecessarily on more than one ocassion for sure. I hope you get a nap in today...after slapping in a new sensor. UGH.


  2. we had the same thing last night... error 1 to be exact. dex said 246... actual... 46. eek!

  3. Yuck... sorry you're having such a hard time. I'd be ready to punt Dex into the next time zone if that kept happening to me!

  4. Brilliant move...toss him to the other end of the house and get some sweet sweet sleep! So frustrating!

  5. Technology is so incredibly wonderful when it works...but when it doesn't, aaaarrrrggghhh!

  6. We just had a night like this last night. I was almost in tears I was so freaking tired. CGM said 282... nope, 116 and 112 (had to test twice b/c of the difference). Calibrate. So 20 minutes later, CGM says 52, double arrows down. Nope, 105. Calibrate. 10 minutes later, 60, double arrows down. Still around 100. No matter how many times I calibrated it, it would still go back to telling me she was low and dropping. Finally I just disabled the alarm, but was so freaked out about missing a low I just gave her some carbs anyway.

  7. Yahhhh....ummmm....we had the 2 hour start up and went live for our trial JUST as she was getting ready to dive into a pasta dinner.

    Before she left the table, I had to turn all the alarms OFF...they were driving me INSANE!!!!!!
